YTT100: Insights From 100 Episodes
Jul 07, 2023
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Thank you for supporting 4 years and 100 episodes of the Yoga Teacher Training podcast!
In this episode I share some of my most popular lessons from episodes 1 - 100 including;
- How I've seen yoga classes change and evolve in recent years
- The most essential lessons about yoga anatomy
- How to work with imposter syndrome
- How to build a consistent practice and avoid burnout as a teacher
- How to apply the yamas & niyamas to your life
- Why cueing is the most essential skill in modern online yoga
Here are just a few more in depth thoughts. I share much more on the new podcast.
- The overall quality of yoga in the world has improved a lot. More teachers than ever are including anatomy, philosophy and deeper aspects of the practice in what they offer. More of these teachings are available online and easier to access than ever before. Ideas and concepts spread organically through yoga classes and the overall access and quality of those ideas has increased a lot in recent years thanks to podcasts, youtube and online courses and that's awesome for everyone!
- Imposter syndrome is still a major issue for a lot of new teachers. And it's totally valid. You want to help your students but you know there are more experienced teachers they could go to. But no one will teach quite like you. People will resonate with you and practice with you, but they can only do that if you are being yourself. That means sharing your authentic experience. If you love yin then share what you love about yin. If you don't know something, say you don't know. Your job isn't to have all the answers, but to share your love of your practice and hold space for others to discover their own practice.
- There are so many brilliant, heart centered yoga teachers around the world quietly sharing their gifts with their students while making a great living and traveling the world. They don't have (or need) huge followings or a lot of fame, but they are living the dream of many new yoga teachers. I've been fortunate to talk to many of them and interview some of them on the podcast. The desire in the world for yoga has never been higher. Yes there are more teachers than ever before, but there are also more students than ever before, and it's never been easier for teachers to share their love of yoga and find people all over the world that resonate with what they're offering. Just 12 years ago when I took my first YTT, these things were not nearly as accessible. Before the year 2020 we were in what we might call the "Westernization Era" of yoga, but now we are now fully in what we might call "The Online Era" of yoga.
Have a favorite episode? Let me know in the comments on Instagram
So grateful to all the amazing people I've met through this podcast and excited for the next 100 episodes!
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