Y86: Gentle Hatha For Immune System Health

gentle yoga immune system quietmind yoga podcast Aug 30, 2019

Want to, learn everything I have to teach about yoga? Styles, postures, breath work, mudras, mantras, philosophy, history, anatomy, yoga business -all of it is in the Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training. Doors open 9/9/19 and you check it out at - if you're listening to this after that you can join the waiting list here:

In todays practice we focus on supporting the immune system. The main way we effect the immune system in yoga is through the Prana - the life force / vitality / energy of the body. We effect this primarily with breathing, but also with foods we eat, sunlight, activities. Yoga in general will always help improve this, but today we will focus more directly on that aspect of practice. One of the keys is to take slower deeper breaths rather than quick short breaths, and I'll share why. 
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Props suggested: 2 block, 1 blanket
Thanks for listening! Jeremy
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