Y79: Vinyasa For Shoulders, Handstand, Crow And Side Crow (Advanced)

advanced crow handstand quietmind yoga podcast shoulders side crow vinyasa Jul 09, 2019

Want to improve your Headstand? This was one of the first more challenging poses I was able to do when I started yoga but it was scary as hell when I first saw people doing it in classes. I thought I’d never be able to do it. I keep this in mind when I teach step by step how to get into it.

1) If you use a wall you are more likely to use momentum and put your neck at greater risk.

2) Instead start with your arms in a triangle base, top of head down, lower body like downdog.

3) Slowly walk your feet in until you can’t anymore.

4) Then use Hip flexor strength to bring your knees to your chest off the ground. One knee at a time.

5) If you can hold there it becomes much easier to begin to extend the legs up.

Practice your Headstand in todays episode of the Quietmind Yoga Podcast

Today's episode is brought to you by the free PDF Guide: "10 Yoga Mistakes to Stop Today" and learn 10 Easy Adjustments to Build Strength, Flexibility and Balance in Your Practice, Focus, Calm and Intention in Your Life. Download now at

Credit to @myvinyasapractice and @getwellsoonphoto for the photo.

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