Y160: Favorite Classes: Hatha Yoga For Hips, Shoulders & Legs - Increase Mind-Muscle Connection

hatha yoga hips legs shoulders Jun 08, 2021

Ayurveda teaches that “all diseases begin in the transition of the seasons” so I’m hosting a FREE workshop this weekend to help out transition into the new Spring Season with health, vitality and clarity. Live this Saturday. Register for free at

I’m excited to share another one of my favorite classes today: Hatha Yoga To Relieve Hip, Shoulder and Leg Tension. Mind-Muscle connection is one of the most important parts of yoga practice so I love breaking it down into simple skills you can develop within a class like I share here. If you have a blanket and two blocks you can use them in class today. I’m sharing some of my favorite classes leading into the Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training that starts next week! You can learn more at — there are several bonuses that expire this Sunday, so register before Sunday to get the best deal! 

The Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training is OPEN for enrollment and limited to 12 students. Enrollment closes March 22 at

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