Y151: Gentle & Restorative Yoga To Rest, Recharge And Reset (Bolster, Blanket, 2 Blocks, Sandbag, Strap)

gentle yoga restorative Jun 08, 2021

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Today's practice is a Gentle and Restorative Yoga class to rest, recharge and reset. I suggest having alllll of the props: a bolster, a blanket, two blocks, a sandbag and a strap. If you don't have these I'll give alternatives you can use in the intro. As we move into the darkest week of the year here in the Northern hemisphere this is a great time to do this slower, gentle practice and give your body and mind time to rest and recharge. Of course, we always want to find balance of yin and yang / stirha and sukha (effort and ease) so come back to this class anytime you need a slower practice. If you need something more yang today check out any of the Hatha, Vinyasa or Power classes in the archives. 

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