Y141: Meditation Body Scan + Ayurveda Tips For The Fall Season

ayurveda guided meditation meditation vata dosha Jun 07, 2021

Will be sending out a free printout with Ayurvedic Guidelines for the Fall Season to members of the Quietmind Community - Join by signing up for any free offer at

Today I'll share some of the most important teachings of Ayurveda like "like increases like" and "opposites bring balance" and how you can best direct your energy and attention as we move into longer nights and shorter days of the Fall Season - those of you in the Southern Hemisphere these principles still apply - except you're going into the spring (kapha / pitta) time so your recommendations are basically the opposite of what I share in this episode but all of the principles of Ayurveda I share apply the same!

Quietmind Yoga Podcast:
Quietmind Astrology Podcast:
Yoga Teacher Training Podcast:

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