Y131: Hatha Yoga For SI Joint And Low Back Pain

hatha yoga Aug 18, 2020

The Yoga For Beginners course is now available at - This is a perfect place for beginners to start but great for experienced students too - I share things I didn't learn until 8 years into my practice that would have saved me a lot of confusion, shoulder pain and low back pain. 

And that is the topic of today's class. This is a Hatha Yoga practice to address tension around the sacroiliac joint and low back pain in general. 90% of all people will experience low back pain in their life, and I'm guessing you have as well. I have found some things that are really helpful for low back pain and I share them in this practice.


Also - The Fall Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training is just weeks away. I'll be sharing more about this in the weeks ahead. You can join the waiting list to learn more at

Jeremy Devens
Quietmind Yoga

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