Y128: Gentle Yoga To Build Strength & Flexibility + Insights From Studying With Jason Crandell

flexibility gentle yoga strength Aug 15, 2020

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Today's practice is a gentle yoga class suitable for all levels of experience, including beginners. This was recorded many months ago after I completed a weekend training with Jason Crandell from San Francisco. That training validated a lot of my recent discoveries in my own practice, and added some insights from Jason's work with sports medicine doctors. I also share my own experience of coming to similar conclusions when my teachers pointed out that my biggest weakness was my tight hamstrings, and I had the common Yoga misconception that I needed to spend more time stretching my hamstrings. What I eventually learned was I actually needed to be strengthening my hamstrings as that would allow them to become more flexible. I sure how to apply this to your practice in today's episode.

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Recommended (not required) props: 2 Blocks, 1 Blanket

Thanks for listening!

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