Y127: Power Vinyasa With Focus On IT Band And Side Body

power yoga vinyasa yoga Aug 14, 2020

Did you know that most yoga emphasized only one plane of motion? Most teachers have little to no training in planes of motion and are not aware of the imbalances they are creating in their students.

This can lead to:
Tight hips
Low back pain
Tight IT band
A weak core
Shoulder tension
Wrist pain

And all of that can be reduced by making sure to include all planes of motion in your practice. The sagittal (forward folds and backbends), transverse (twists) and frontal (the sides of the body - as emphasized in today's practice).

This is a key part of my Quietmind Yoga Teacher Trainings. Our current class of students is graduating soon but the next Teacher Training will be opening soon! More updates on that in the weeks ahead.

This week I will be announcing something really cool for current yoga teachers who want to grow their online business. If this is you, be sure to visit and sign up for any of my free offers to receive all my updates and special offers. This week I gave away a free private session!

Enjoy the podcast? Please leave a review and let me know what you'd like to learn more about on instagram @jeremy.quietmind

Thanks for listening!

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