Y126: Yin Yoga For The Whole Body To Learn The Koshas (Sheaths of Awareness)

koshas whole body yin yoga Jun 26, 2020

Yoga philosophy has stood the test of time for over 3000 years. One of the deeper aspects of yoga philosophy is the Panchamaya Kosha model. This means “5 sheaths of awareness.” More literally, “5 sheaths of illusions.”

If you've been following this podcast for a while, you've heard me talk a lot about the physical body. Yoga for low back pain, yoga for the shoulders, the neck, the core. These are all examples of the anamaya kosha - the physical body - the first sheath of awareness.

One of my teachers would say that most people in their life will not go beyond awareness of the physical body. As yogis a lot of our focus is beyond the physical body. How a pose feels. How your breath feels. The state of your mind.

There are four koshas beyond the physical body, and I will be sharing more this Thursday at 9:30 AM Central standard time on zoom. You can join us at

For today this is a Yin class, always among my most popular classes, so you have time to hold poses and really bring awareness into your experience of your physical body.

The more we bring awareness to these sheaths of awareness, the less we identify with them, and the more we identify with the pure awareness within us that has the choice to choose how to respond to any circumstance.

If you enjoyed today's class please take a moment to leave a review in Apple podcast, subscribe, share with a friend, and tag on Instagram @jeremy.quietmind

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Thank you for listening,

Have a great rest of your day!

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