Y124: Hatha Flow & Meditation To Practice The 5th Limb of Yoga (Pratiyahara)

hatha yoga meditation pratiyahara Jun 24, 2020

Take a moment today to sign the petition at

As millions mourn and process the grief of generations of injustice, I will do my best to continue to share helpful, healing practices I have learned from yoga and related teachings. Personally I will continue to support black rights and police reform and listen to voices of people who are living through these challenges for how I may continue to best offer support. 

I have continued to come back to yoga and meditation for 14+ years now because it just works. These teachings have stood the test of time and countless ups and downs of history for 3000+ years, and I'm incredibly grateful that we have access to them today. Today's practice is continuing to share from the Yoga Sutra - the 2000 year old teachings of yoga - with the practice of bringing attention back inward to recenter and reconnect to whats most important to you, so that the actions you take in the rest of your day come from that place. I hope you find this helpful.

If you have resources or suggestions of how I can be of more support, please message me on instagram @jeremy.quietmind

Join me this week for live weekly classes - every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at

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