Y123: Hatha To Practice Non Grasping (Aparigraha)

aparigraha hatha yoga Jun 23, 2020

The Founding Members offer is ending soon for the Quietmind Membership. 3 new video classes a week, monthly workshops and direct feedback to your practice. I am creating some exciting features to help you see progress in your practice and learn the 10 Core Competencies of yoga in-depth like you would find in teacher trainings at a fraction of the cost. This is the lowest the Membership will ever be, and if you join now you can keep the $9.97/mo price for as long as you're a member. Learn more at

Today's practice is all about the Core Competency of Yoga Philosophy and one of the most important teachings: non-grasping (aparigraha). This is one of my favorite concepts of yoga philosophy and there are many interesting ways to apply it directly in your physical asana practice, as well as outside of practice. 

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