Y122: Gentle Yoga For Whole Body - Ahimsa (Non Harming)

ahimsa gentle yoga whole body Jun 22, 2020

Thank you for helping Quietmind Yoga reach over 50,000 listens. I'm grateful to you for investing in your practice. I'm grateful to each of you who has reached out to share how this podcast has impacted you. I am honored and inspired to hear your stories. 

Today is a recording from a class that loved whole body sequences. This was always a popular request, so here it is! Plus a focus on the yoga philosophy of Ahimsa (non harming) as I'm sharing about on the Yoga Teacher Training podcast and each week on Zoom in the new Yoga Book Club at 

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I'd love to hear how your practice is going and if there's anything that could help support your practice. Send me a message on instagram @Jeremy.quietmind

Thanks for listening!


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