Y121: Hatha Flow & Meditation for the Heart Chakra

hatha yoga heart chakra meditation Jun 21, 2020

Happy Mother's Day! Today's practice is about embodying the energies of the heart chakra: love, compassion, kindness, generosity, forgiveness - first for ourselves, so that we may more easily find those qualities in relationship to others. 

This class was recorded LIVE just this morning as part of my 3 weekly online classes. These are live on Zoom every week by donation. Sun, Tue and Thu at 9:30am CST. Learn more at

If you want to SEE this class and all of my live class recordings, check out the Quietmind Membership where I post all of these live classes for you to watch on-demand + bonuses like mini workshops and a private Facebook group for you to get feedback on your alignment and practice.

Thank you for listening and have a great day!

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