Y117: Advanced Power Yoga For Whole Body Strengthening

power yoga strength whole body Jun 17, 2020

NEW Live classes every Sunday on Zoom in the Quietmind Yoga Membership - $9.97/mo at - Go here to learn more and signup.

I have noticed my advanced classes becoming more popular recently, so I’ll be sharing more of these in the weeks ahead. Today’s class is a Power Vinyasa class to build strength throughout your whole body.

If you’re spending more time at home and exercising less, this strong practice is a great way to build whole body strength in your legs, core and upper body. We’ll work up to handstands, crow, side crow and twists. If you have a block that may be helpful, but not required.

Anything you’d like to learn more about in your practice? Send me a message on Instagram @jeremy.quietmind and I will address it here in a future episode. If it’s more related to teaching, I will address it over on the Yoga Teacher Training podcast.

Thanks for listening and have a great week!


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