Y115: Hatha Flow & Meditation to Regulate The Central Nervous System

flow hatha yoga meditation nervous system Jun 15, 2020

The Quietmind Membership is now open! New weekly live classes, Monthly mini-workshops, 1-1 Feedback and mini trainings in the 10 Core Competencies of Yoga. Learn more at - $9.97/mo or $97/yr

The Membership includes access to all upcoming LIVE Zoom classes. Today's practice was recorded /this morning!/ We had 27 amazing people join from around the world to practice together. This is the audio recording of that class. if you want to see the video recording that will be available tomorrow in the new Quietmind Yoga Membership. 

This class is all about working with the cycles of expansion and contraction that life brings. The Central Nervous System works in similar cycles. By becoming aware of these cycles we align more and more with our true selves - the witnessing awareness that chooses how to respond to the ups and downs of life. 

Thank you for listening and enjoy your practice!

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