Y112: Hatha For The Whole Body - Theme Of Relationships

hatha yoga whole body Jun 12, 2020

The Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training is open for enrollment! Visit to see how you can become a thriving yoga teacher with clear, in-depth training in every aspect of yoga I've learned from 16 years in health and wellness and teaching 4000+ classes. Anatomy, postures, sequencing, philosophy, meditation, teaching skills and business skills + weekly mentoring calls and several bonuses. It's all there and super easy to follow along. I'm excited to share this with you! Enrollment closes soon and class size is limited. I hope you can join us! If you see this after enrollment closes you can still signup to be notified when the next class starts.

Today's practice is a Hatha Yoga class for the whole body with the theme of relationships. I recommend 2 blocks and a blanket if you have them. Expect a little bit of everything in this class. Towards the end I share one of my favorite buddhist stories, which you can see over on my instagram page @Jeremy.quietmind. That's also the place to message me if you have any requests or feedback on the podcast, I'd love to hear from you!

Thank you to our amazing supporters, and thank you for listening.
Have a great practice!

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