Y110: Yin Yoga For Releasing Hip And Upper Back Tension

hips upper back yin yoga Mar 05, 2020

You can now register for the FREE online workshop: "3 Mindset Shifts to Build Confidence in Teaching Yoga" on Monday March 9th, 2020 at 12pm Noon Central time at I'll be sharing the most valuable lessons I've learned from 15+ years of working in health and wellness, 2000+ hrs of trainings and 5000+ hrs of classes taught. I'll also be sharing about the upcoming Quietmind Yoga Online Yoga Teacher Training that starts in just 5 weeks!

Today's practice is an ever popular Yin Yoga class for releasing hip and upper back tension - some of the most common requests I hear. This practice includes a focus on: Progressively Deeper Postures, Wall Pigeon, Legs Up The Wall, Back Massage, Piriformis Stretching. Recommended props: Bolster, Blanket, 2 Blocks, Tennis Ball, Sandbag, Wall Space

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