Y107: Beginners Vinyasa For Low Back Pain - Strength, Flexibility And Balance

balance beginner flexibility low back pain strength vinyasa Feb 15, 2020

Despite having great teachers, being dedicated and consistent in my practice I still found myself getting low back pain. After trying many stretching techniques and finding temporary relief, I realized that something needed to change about how I practice yoga. I learned physical therapy techniques, kinesiology and biomechanics and discovered some approaches I could add to my yoga practice that have since eliminated the back pain issues I used to have. I certainly don't have all of the answers, and I would be cautious of anyone who claims they do, but I have definitely found some things that are helpful for me and have been helpful for students I work with. Rather than having any one answer, pose or sequence, I find it more valuable to cultivate a sense of self - inquiry. A good place to look is the Limbo-Pelvic Hip Complex -  the area between the belly button and knees - these are major factors in back pain, but exactly which muscles or movements may be causing or relieving the back pain are going to be unique for you and for everyone else. In today's practice I'll share some of the things I've found most helpful, so you can practice your own self inquiry and find what works best for you.

Side note: I had an amazing Mindful New Year retreat and that took all of my focus for a while. I also had a technical issue where my iCloud files (all my podcast files) disappeared for a while (!). Thankfully I got them all back and will be posting extra episodes over the next few days so we're back on track with this season (Season 8) of the podcast. 

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