TT40: How To Choose A Yoga Teacher Training In 2020: 15 Questions To Ask

yoga teacher training Aug 20, 2020

Early registration is open now for the Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training at - Get an extra 1-1 session when you signup before Sunday!

One of the most popular episodes here was "How to Choose A Yoga Teacher Training" all the way back 20000 years ago in Sept 2019. 

So much has changed since then, and I've heard from students who are really disappointed with their newly online trainings. I decided to have my Yoga Teacher Trainings be online even before the pandemic because I have found it to be a better learning environment when done well. In this episode I'll share about these 15 questions to ask when choosing an online Teacher Training in 2020. 

Who is leading it? What is the schedule? What styles will I learn? Have they done it online before? What is the curriculum? Is it all just on Zoom? / Is there an online classroom? A FB Group? Do you get to practice teaching? Or just one curriculum? What accountability is there? Are there any extra costs? Is there any required reading? How much does it cost? Are there payment plans? What are the requirements for certification? Is it well organized and fun? Is there business training? What does my intuition say?

Contact: [email protected]
Quietmind Yoga Podcast:
Quietmind Astrology Podcast:
Yoga Teacher Training Podcast:
Thrive Teaching Online Podcast:

Thanks for listening!
Jeremy Devens

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