TT4: A New Approach to Yoga
You may have noticed there are a lot of great teachings, books, and teachers out there, but not much guidance on how it all fits together. To me, knowing how all the things I'm learning fit together is one of the most important parts of learning. So I set out to create a structure for how we approach yoga. As teachers and students.
Now, you could piece things together by taking classes that interest you and learning pieces as you go. Or you could follow a specific lineage and form of yoga. Both approaches have their pros and cons. What if you could have the freedom and exploration of the first approach, along with the big picture and structure of the second approach? Regardless of the style you practice or how long you've been practicing.
So I wrote out everything that goes into yoga - from the postures, to anatomy, to breathwork and anything else you could think of. I combined similar topics and distilled it all down into as few categories as possible. The result is a new approach to yoga. There are two parts, and I'll share part 2 next week. The first part is a self-assessment called The 10 Core Competencies of Teaching Yoga.
In the newest episode of the Yoga Teacher Training podcast (link below), I share all about this, including:
- The 10 areas essential to a well-rounded yoga practice.
- A 3 phase approach to how to deepen your practice in any of these areas.
- How this assessment was inspired by Samkhya philosphy - the origins of yoga.
- How to avoid plateaus and stagnation in your practice.
- How your practice helps you become a teacher and support to others - by who you are and how you show up for them.
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