TT36: 3 Practices That Changed My Life By Cultivating Self Awareness (Svadyaya)

svadyaya yoga teacher training Aug 16, 2020

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Today I share about the 4th Niyama: Svadyaya

This is one of my favorite aspects of yoga, one the most essential, and one of the most empowering. 

All of our choices stem from our awareness so it is essential to have practices to become more self aware. In today's episode I share 3 simple practices you can do to cultivate self awareness immediately. These are some of the most powerful, life-changing practices that I've encountered and I'm excited to share them with you here!

This is part of my series on the 'Yoga Philosophy' Core Competency. One of 10 Core Competencies I teach in the Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training. Class only opens twice a year and the next one opens in just a few weeks! Get notified and receive some special exclusive training and offers by joining the waiting list to learn more at

Jeremy Devens
Quietmind Yoga

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