TT34: Tapas: 10 Yogic Practices To Build Discipline & Willpower

discipline tapas yoga teacher training Aug 14, 2020

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How do you build willpower, discipline and patience? This is one of the core teachings of yoga philosophy: Tapas. 

Tapas means all of those things plus intensity, passion and focus. 

We see it in the ascetic yogis who devote their lives to tapas practices like keeping one arm up in the air for their whole life. This is still happening in India to this day. 

Yogis who practice tapas teach us that we are capable of much more than the mind would let on. They can inspire us to challenge ourselves and grow.

This follows the Niyama of contentment because it's important to embody both contentment and tapas. Stirha and sukha. Effort and ease.

In today's episode I will share 10 yogic ways you can apply tapas to your life to increase your own willpower and discipline. 

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