TT31: 6 Incredible People Of Color We Can Support Right Now

yoga teacher training Jun 29, 2020

I would not be who I am without learning from these incredible people of color. I'll share what I have learned from them and how you can support their work. The first two are yoga teachers, but the others have also significantly influenced who I am as a person and teacher. These people are all based around Austin, TX, but you can connect with them from anywhere in the world.  

Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork with Robin Bruce - I have never relaxed deeper than at these classes

Methods of Mindfulness with Shawn Kent - Yoga from a therapeutic and incredibly emotionally intelligent perspective, able to meet people right where they are at - Monday's at 9PM CST

Solomon Masala - Empowering, fun and educational group facilitation

Shasparay Lighteard - Incredibly powerful, emotive and inspiring poetry

Life Ki Do with Etienne Vidal - Grounded, compassionate, patient, fun leadership

Art of Jeane-Pierre Verdijo - Brilliant artist, now focused solely on making signs to support Austin protests

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