TT27: Natural Ways To Support Your Immune System With Physician/Yogi Chris Harrison

immunity yoga Jun 25, 2020

What are some natural, holistic ways we can support our immune systems and prevent disease? I reached out to Chris Harrison, a physician / yoga teacher who I met through our mentor Jenn Wooten. Chris has a lifetime of experience in the medical field as well as several years of studying mindfulness and yoga practices. I thought she might have a unique perspective on everything happening. I'm so grateful we got to talk and I think you'll find her insight very practical, helpful and supportive. 

The word I took away from this interview was "nourishing" - what can I do that feels genuinely nourishing for me? I'd love to hear your thoughts on what Chris shares over at the Quietmind Community - a free Facebook group to connect with peers form around the world. You can join for free at

Of course, yoga practice is one of the things Chris mentions, and you can now join me three times a week on Zoom - all by donation. Learn more at

Thanks for listening!

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