TT25: Satya: Are You Being Honest With Your Yoga Practice?

8 limbs of yoga Jun 23, 2020

What is your truth? How do you distinguish objective vs subjective truth? How do you teachers NOT apply truthfulness in teaching? I’ll share all about this in today’s episode on Satya (Truthfulness).

The Quietmind Yoga Membership is now open! Visit for full length classes, mini workshops and 1-1 feedback to build specific skills in your practice such as nervous system regulation, expanding lung capacity and pose breakdowns. $9.97 a month or 20% off for a full year. Over the next few weeks I’ll be adding practices to embody the 8 limbs of yoga as we learn more in this series.

Today continues our series on applying the 8 limbs of yoga to teaching yoga. Each week I will cover a new aspect of the 8 limbs. This week I’ll share how you can apply the Satya (truthfulness) to your practice and teaching. I’ll share about:

What is your “truth?”

How do you distinguish objective vs subjective truth?

The unexpected way I realized I was being dishonest with myself

A simple way to apply Satya in each pose

The most common ways yoga teachers DON”T apply satya


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