TT24: Essential Cues For 13 Of The Most Common Poses - Even if You Can’t See Your Students

essential cues yoga teacher training Jun 22, 2020

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How do you teach online when you can’t see your students? How do you know they are safe? In this episode I will share what 3 approaches I have found most helpful and 13 of the most common poses along with cues that you can use to guide any student at any level - even if you can’t see them.

In this episode I share about:

How you can improve your teaching when you can’t see your students A physical adjustment you can make to improve your teaching A mindset shift to make about how you’re teaching A teaching skill you can use to make sure your students are safe

Shout out to Maria S listening in the UK who reached out to ask about this - she is in a teacher training across the pond and always has great questions! Also a shout out to Satchie Wolfe and Allison Halley in the Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training who brought up this issue in a recent Teacher Training lesson.

Would you like to see a special online course about how to best teach online? With videos and PDFs? Send me a message on Instagram @Jeremy.quietmind - I am thinking about making this and would love to hear if it would be helpful / if you have any questions on this topic?

This is such a pressing topic for many teacher right now so I wanted to make sure we covered it, and I will return to the series on the 8 Limbs of Yoga next week with the second Yama: Satya!


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