TT20: How to Start Teaching Online Today With No Experience and Little To No Costs

yoga teacher training Jun 18, 2020

As my teacher Libby would say "now, all previous teachings apply."

This is an uncertain, disruptive time for us all over the world, and I hope you and your loved ones are well and staying safe. Many people are experiencing major losses and challenges with the spread of covid-19 and if you are not directly effected this an opportunity for you to apply all you have learned about yoga to be a loving presence for others and 'teach yoga' by how you show up for them. 

For those of you teaching in studios and in person - which is nearly all yoga teachers - you may be experiencing major transitions in your work. Studios are limiting class sizes and eliminating props. Corporate clients are now working remotely. How can you best navigate this in a traditionally in-person, service based industry? 

One thing I have done over the years is teach over video chat, and I am grateful to have that experience as I have been able to seamlessly transition into working with many of my clients this way. In today's episode I share how you can do the same TODAY with no prior experience and little to no costs. 

You just need 6 things to get started. Listen for more details.

The Zoom video conferencing app Tripod (or something to lean the phone on) fishbowl) lens: $30 Tripod (or omething to lean the phone on) Bluetooth headphones (optional) Lighting: sunlight + optional: white light lamp or video light: not too close to a wall Accept payment on Venmo or Paypal

What I don't address in this episode is the actual teaching. If you want to build confidence in teaching check out my free workshop: 3 Mindset Shifts to Build Confidence in Teaching Yoga by clicking here

If you want to learn all about teaching online, creating multiple streams of income and developing teaching skills in 10 core competencies, I offer that in the Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training. Enrollment closes soon at

Thanks for listening!
Jeremy Devens
Quietmind Yoga

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