TT19: Test Your Yoga Knowledge With This Certification Mini Quiz

teacher training Mar 09, 2020

What is on a Yoga Certification exam? Every one will be different, but almost all of them will cover similar aspects of yoga: philosophy, anatomy, postures. I put together a free mini quiz for you to test your yoga knowledge at -- I'll walk you through the whole thing in today's episode. You can test your knowledge before listening, or after and see how you do. These are some of the same questions I include in the Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training certification exam. Of course, I don't cover everything here, but these are some of the essentials, and a great place to start to make sure you do great no matter which certification you take. 

If you want to learn more, check out my free online workshop 3 Mindset Shifts to Build Confidence in Teaching Yoga at 

Thanks for listening!


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