TT17: How to Know When You're Ready for Teacher Training with Allison Halley

teacher training Mar 07, 2020

What's it like to have JUST finished Yoga Teacher Training? On today's episode we'll talk about exactly that.  

I interviewed Allison Halley - who I have worked with 1-1 for several months - just days after she finished her first Teacher Training, She actually didn't take my training, and we'll discuss why. She addresses some of the most common questions I hear from students, and the questions that she had when she wasn't sure if she was ready to take a yoga teacher training.

Allison has an amazingly optimistic, focused and inspiring mindset that shines in this interview - these are excellent qualities to for any teacher. In fact, in the 2 month since we recorded this interview Allison went from 'just graduated' to teaching TWO weekly classes! I'll definitely have her back in the future to discuss her quick growth, but you could get to know her much more because she has enrolled in my March 2020 Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training that is all online, and you could be her classmate! I'll share more details about this training in the weeks ahead, but for now you can sign up for my free upcoming workshop: 3 Mindset Shifts to Build Confidence in Teaching Yoga at - details coming soon.

You can follow Allison's journey on Instagram at @allihalley

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