A82: How To Find Relationship Compatibility / Synastry In Vedic Astrology

relationships vedic astrology Aug 20, 2020

To best understand your relationships schedule a reading at

Today's episode comes from our listener Rachel's email asking "how do you see relationship synastry in Vedic astrology vs western astrology?" -- This is a huge topic so I will share 10 of the most helpful ways to better understand yourself and your relationships. The first 3 are very important mindsets / approaches rooted in Vedic teachings and the other 7 are based on understanding your birth chart. If you don't know your Vedic chart, you can now get your chart for free at

Disclaimer: This episode is not a substitute for relationship advice or a compatibility reading. I encourage you to only use this information or any similar information for educational purposes and to help you know what to ask an astrologer that you work with. If you do apply these techniques to your relationships I encourage you to only focus on the positive aspects and not worry about any perceived negative aspects because it is very likely there are factors you can only see by looking at the charts holistically and factoring in the countless other aspects of your birth chart.

Want to learn more about your signs, houses and planets - I cover all the essentials in the new Vedic Astrology 101 course at 


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Thanks for listening!
Jeremy Devens

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