A67: Venus Hora: Love, Pleasure & Recreation - Plan Your Time With Vedic Astrology

astrology love venus hora Jun 24, 2020

Today continues our series on how to best manage your time and energy applying the Vedic Astrology teachings of Hora. No matter what your birth chart is like, hora effects us all.

This series will help you understand the ruling planet of each hour of the day. When you align yourself with these energies your actions are in alignment with the cycles of the planets. I encourage you to experiment with this and find how it feels resonant for you. If you have a significant task to complete, you may find it helpful to chant the mantra associated with that hora’s ruling planet. In each episode I will share a mantra for each planet.

The hora is about one hour for each planetary period, repeating in this order:

Sun Venus Mercury Moon Saturn Jupiter Mars

Today I will share all about the Venus hora

When does this hora begin? What activities are favorable during this hora? What activités are not favorable during this hora? What is the mantra for this hora? BONUS PRACTICE: I didn't mention this in the podcast, but one of my favorite Venus Hora activities is writing "desire inventory" - Take a blank piece of paper and write down "I want ______" and fill in the blank. Fill up a whole page of desires like this, without any filter. You don't need to know how or why, just write from your heart. Sometimes desire is illogical or irrational! The goal is not to make a to-do list and check everything off, but to connect to your Venusian energy of desire and stay in touch with what brings you pleasure and fulfillment. 

Thank you to listener Anthony Louis who shared a great post on the order of the planetary hours at

If you enjoy this podcast, check out the new Quietmind Yoga Membership where I share weekly yoga classes and mini workshops on Yoga, Ayurveda & Vedic Astrology. I will soon be adding recordings of mantras for each of the Horas that I share about in this series. Visit to learn more.

Thanks for listening,


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