Sept 2019 Vedic Astrology Horoscope

horoscope quietmind astrology podcast Aug 30, 2019


Major transits this month. Saturn going direct, several planets moving into Virgo, and the Fall Equinox - what does it all mean for you? And how can you make the most of these energies and avoid slipping into being cynical and critical this month? I will share all of this in today's episode of the Quietmind Astrology podcast. 
I'm also excited because in less than two weeks I launch the Quietmind Yoga online Yoga Teacher Training! If you want to build confidence in your yoga practice and learn from the Vedas (the source of Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology) all the way up to modern yoga practices you can do to manage your health, your mind and emotions, it is all in my training. The most thorough, focused and in depth online Yoga Teacher Training I have seen, you can check it out at
Thanks for listening!
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