95: Kewal Haussman on 20 Years Of Teaching, Authenticity, Equity and Building An Amazing Community
Apr 23, 2023
So many good stories in this one! Kewal is one of my mentors and someone I've learned a lot from. We talked about a wide range of topics including lessons he's learned from his 20+ years teaching, being authentic as a teacher, creating equity in yoga communities, and leading some of the most popular classes in Austin, TX.
Check out Kewal's classes if you're ever in Austin. Click here to see Kewal's schedule.
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Keywords: yoga philosophy, asana practice, meditation techniques, anatomy and physiology, pranayama (breathing techniques), teaching methodology, yoga history, adjustments and modifications, Sanskrit, chakras and energy centers, Ayurveda and yoga, ethics and professionalism, sequencing and class planning, business of yoga, and self-care and self-study, equity, yoga therapy, community, yoga teacher training, ytt.
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