93: Lily Allen-Deunas of the Wild Yoga Tribe
Feb 15, 2023
Lily Allen-Duenas is an international yoga teacher, meditation guide, and holistic health and wellness coach. She helps overwhelmed individuals reduce their emotional overload, and find balance, breath, and space for self-care. Lily is the founder of the Wild Yoga Tribe and is the host of the Wild Yoga Tribe podcast. Follow her at https://wildyogatribe.com/
We talked about a wide range of topics including
- How Lily got into yoga, became a teacher and started the Wild Yoga Tribe podcast
- Nervous system regulation
- The value of "gym yoga"
- Creating an international community
- Simple practices you can do to reduce stress
- Yogic practices in relationship
If you're a teacher seeking support with graphic design, copywriting and social media, check out Lily's website at http://wildyogatribe.com/copyxdesign
To learn about the next Quietmind Yoga Teacher Training at http://www.quietmind.yoga/ytt
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