6 Cueing Mistakes That New Teachers Make

cueing teaching Apr 29, 2021

What you say matters. Especially as a yoga teacher, every word counts. Sometimes just the smallest variation of how you say something can completely change your student’s experience of what you said. A phrase that you feel is helpful could come across as unclear, confusing or potentially even triggering of past trauma. Sometimes we say too much or too little. With experience and practice we can learn to say just the right thing at just the right time.

In this podcast I’ll share some of the most common mistakes that new teachers make, including:

  • Using passive instructing
  • Not using trauma informed language
  • Teaching too fast
  • Requiring students to look at you
  • Not managing your state before you teach
  • Being self conscious

I’ll share my suggestions of what to do instead on the next episode. For now, take some time to just sit with these topics and notice them in classes you teach and attend. What woudl you do differently and why? This is a great way to practice svadyaya (self study), part of the 8 Limbs of Yoga. Come to your own conclusions, then I’ll share mine on the next episode.

I’ll share in much more detail, including step by step cues and exercises for you to practice and find your way of cueing at the Cue With Confidence workshop: (promo code for you below)

Cue with Confidence
Saturday May 15: Noon to 2:30pm CST
Promo code: YTTPOD for $20 off until Apr 30

FREE PDF Guide: 13 Essential Cues:

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