Y114: Yin Yoga for the Whole Body

whole body yin yoga Jun 14, 2020

I created a new resource for you at

This is a Facebook group for you to connect with other practitioners around the world, share about your practice, give and receive support. I’ll be hosting a Live Q&A every New Moon here, starting THIS TUESDAY March 24th at 3pm CST. Join the group and send me your yoga questions before then and join us live!

Today’s practice is a whole body Yin Yoga practice. This is a great way to center and reset amidst everything happening in the world. If you have props grab 2 blocks, a bolster, a strap and a sandbag or similar household items. If you don’t have these you’ll be totally fine. This class is for all levels.

Thank you for listening and if you want to give feedback or discuss this episode, head over to and leave a comment on the post about this episode.

Thanks for listening!


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